Power Hour Consultation
1-Hour meeting for those who need a limited amount of advice in as quick of a setting as possible.
How it Works
Before Your Power Hour,
Fill out a financial profile online
so we can have a detailed picture of your financial situation as we advise you in our meeting. You’ll also fill out a Prep Worksheet to describe the 3 main topics/questions you want to receive valuable and impactful financial advice on.
During Your Power Hour,
Receive actionable, valuable financial advice.
In a 60-minute Zoom meeting, we will fit in as much advice, teaching, and strategy around your requested topics as we can.
After Your Power Hour,
Get a detailed summary report and video recap
with links to additional resources to learn more about the advice we gave you, so you can take action effectively.

After your Power Hour, consider upgrading to a Financial Plan.
You can credit the cost of your Power Hour Consultation toward a Financial Plan if you upgrade within 90 days.
Common Questions for Power Hour Consultations: