Start with a Free Intro Call.
Before we work with anyone, we hold a transparent, no-pressure conversation to answer your questions and discuss your situation so we can give you a quote for services.
Don’t worry, you won’t be asked to commit during this call. You can look at your quote on your own time and let us know if you want to sign up for a service.
During your intro call, we’ll ask you to consider the question:
“Which type of financial advice are you interested in?”
One-Time services to get advice and then DIY?
These are best for people who would like to learn as much as they can, but then want to implement things on their own.
An Ongoing relationship with a financial planner?
This is best for people who either don’t have the interest in running all of their finances or see the value in collaborating with a professional continuously in their life to reap the rewards of ongoing support, accountability, and improved results. But most of all, save themselves the time and stress of doing things on their own.
One-Time Services
Power Hour Consultation
1-hour consultation for concentrated and affordable financial advice.
This service is ideal for DIY-ers who don’t want a full Financial Plan, or for those who want to start small before moving forward with more detailed, integrated financial advice.
Student Loan Plan
A 2-meeting engagement to create an optimal pay-off strategy for high student loans.
If you have $100,000 or more in federal student loan debt, a Student Loan Plan is highly recommended.
Financial Plan
A collaborative 4-meeting program to teach you financial strategies and design your holistic financial, investment, and tax plan.
In a full Financial Plan design, we’ll give you all the answers. We’ll identify your optimal student loan strategy, construct your investment portfolios, design your Auto-Budget System, teach you how to save taxes, and more.
Ongoing Services
Wealth Mode Planning
$125-500 / month
Meet with your Financial Planner twice per year and get multiple service touch points to continuously monitor your finances and get advice for everything in your life.
Most people learn during the creation of their Financial Plan that they don’t have the time, desire, ability, or discipline to follow through on everything they need to do each year.
Continuing with Wealth Mode Planning ongoing services helps you stay on track.
Investment Management
0.25% of AUM
Have your investment accounts professionally managed for a fraction of the cost compared to the industry average.
This is an optional add-on service available to those who have completed a Financial Plan or are enrolled in Ongoing Planning Services.
Tax Return Preparation
If you’re already working with us for ongoing financial planning, consider having us prepare your tax return as well.
This is an optional add-on service available to those enrolled in Ongoing Planning Services.